Dixon Ticonderoga Pencils

The World's Best Pencil®

Ticonderoga is the standard for quality and innovation - making high quality pencils available to all for over six generations.

Ad painted by Normal Rockwell for Ticonderoga

Our Story

With a history tracing back to the American Revolution, discover how the Ticonderoga became the world’s best pencil.

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Looking up at a tree canopy

Go Green

We’re making small changes that will have a BIG impact. Check out all the ways we’re having a positive influence on the environment.

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A single Ticonderoga pencil can write up to 45,000 words.

Pencil Tip

Crafting an Icon

Celebrated for its exclusive graphite core and satin-smooth finish, take the journey to see how a Ticonderoga pencil is made.

Making a pencil - step 1

Step 1

Pencil blocks made of premium, sustainably managed wood are cut into slats and a machine creates grooves.

Making a pencil - step 2

Step 2

Graphite cores are securely glued into each groove. A second grooved slat is placed on top, creating a “sandwich.”

Making a pencil - step 3

Step 3

The sandwiched slats are trimmed to the exact length of a pencil, shaped and cut apart creating 10 raw pencils per sandwiched slat.

Making a pencil - step 4

Step 4

The raw pencils are painted with many coats of specially formulated Ticonderoga lacquer. The iconic green ferrule and eraser are glued to the top and the Ticonderoga name is imprinted on the side, creating a finished pencil.