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Neon Erasers


Ticonderoga® Neon Erasers bring a little fun to your home, school or office, while still delivering the same great Ticonderoga® performance you expect. Beveled edges give you ultimate control over what you remove from the surface. These soft, latex-free neon erasers cleanly remove black pencil marks, leaving you with a clear, smudge-free surface and minimal residue. PMA certified non-toxic.

  • Fun, bright, neon colors
  • Beveled shape for more control
  • Latex free
  • PMA certified non-toxic


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  • A package of 12 Tri-Conderoga Triangular Pencils, including three black ones and a sharpener prominently displayed in front. The pencils are highlighted with green and yellow accents.

    Tri-Conderoga Triangular Pencils

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  • A box of My First Wood-Cased Pencils featuring three yellow pencils displayed outside. The green and yellow packaging highlights "unsharpened" and "extra thick soft lead," ideal for young children beginning their writing experience.

    My First Wood-Cased Pencils

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  • Package of Ticonderoga Eraser Refills alongside three individual white eraser refills on a plain background.

    Retractable Eraser Refills

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  • A box of Black Wood-Cased Pencils, labeled "The World's Best Pencil," featuring 12 unsharpened black #2 HB pencils with a sleek black wood finish, and two pencils displayed in front of the box.

    Black Wood-Cased Pencils

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  • A box of Ticonderoga pencils containing 72 sharpened yellow pencils with green accents and erasers. Three pencils are placed in front of the box.

    Golf Wood-Cased Pencils

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  • An engaging activity sheet titled "Writing Activity #3" for writing and illustrating New Year's resolutions. It includes fields for the title, author name, and ample space for drawing amidst decorative elements.

    Writing Activity #3

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